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Free Balochistan Movement (FBM) is a political party with the primary aim to struggle against Pakistani and Iranian colonialism and to regain the independence and national sovereignty of the Baloch nation. It shall welcome all individuals who belong to Balochistan and accept and honour the Party’s aims and objectives

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 Free Balochistan Movement Starts 24-Hour Vigil at Chinese Embassy in Netherlands

Hague, 16 August – Free Balochistan Movement staged a protest outside the Chinese Embassy in The Hague, Netherlands. This demonstration forms part of FBM’s ongoing vigil, aimed at highlighting the grave human rights abuses in Balochistan and drawing attention to the combined roles of China, Iran, and Pakistan in occupied Balochistan.

The protest began at 1:00 PM today outside the Chinese embassy and lasted an hour. Baloch activists chanted slogans against the troika and China’s collaboration with Pakistan and Iran against the Baloch people. Carrying Balochistan flags and banners, the activists initiated the vigil, which will continue around the clock. FBM activists intend to remain in front of the embassy until tomorrow afternoon.