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Free Balochistan Movement (FBM) is a political party with the primary aim to struggle against Pakistani and Iranian colonialism and to regain the independence and national sovereignty of the Baloch nation. It shall welcome all individuals who belong to Balochistan and accept and honour the Party’s aims and objectives

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 Free Balochistan Movement staged a protest demonstration in front of Iranian Consulate in Hamburg

Free Balochistan Movement staged a protest demonstration in front of Iranian Consulate in Hamburg to highlight the atrocities and genocide committed by Iran in Iranian occupied Balochistan
in September 30 2022, Zahedan had become a battlefield after the situation was tense after the alleged sexual assault of a young girl by a high-ranking officer of the Iranian forces in Iranian-occupied Balochistan.

Various programs were announced in the United States. In this regard, on Saturday, September 23, a protest was held in front of the Iranian Consulate in Hamburg, Germany. The demonstration started at 2:00 PM and continued till 4:00 PM. The protestors carried various banners and placards with pictures of martyrs of Zahedan and various slogans written on them.

In addition to Free Balochistan Movement members , Kurdish and Ahvaz Activists also participated in large numbers during the demonstration. Speakers said that in Iran-occupied Baluchistan, the Iranian army used force on unsuspecting Baloch people, killing about a hundred people and injuring hundreds, while several Baloch people were arrested.

A peaceful protest against the sexual abuse of a young Baloch girl by an Iranian official in the occupied Balochistan was sabotaged by the Iranian forces who used violence and force to end the protest and fired shots at the unsuspecting Baloch people. Last year, the wave of protests that started from the Iranian-dominated city of Zahedan in Balochistan started a public uprising in the region, which was crushed by the Iranian army, killing dozens of people and injuring hundreds of people, which continues today. Shooting and shelling the people like this is not only a complete violation of human rights but also a serious genocide of the Baloch nation.

The speakers further said that both Iran and Pakistan are occupying the Baloch land and looting the Baloch national resources and do not hesitate to use any kind of violence and brutal policy to maintain their occupation. Just as Pakistan has been genocidating the Baloch nation without any class, gender or age difference, Iran is also continuously following the same policies as an occupier. But it has been adopting methods like hanging and killing at the intersection, this continuation of killings and killings in the bloody Zahedan last year is the continuation of oppression and oppression that has been going on for decades.

In the demonstration, the representatives of Al-Ahwaz and Kurds, Gulare, Kamiyar expressed their views and described the Iranian oppression and tyranny, the ongoing atrocities on them and the continuation of their genocide as a pain for the Baloch people. They said that we are all one with this pain. Living in the same way, our struggle together will prove to be the last nail in the coffin of the occupier, he expressed his determination that he will always stand and struggle by the side of the friends of Free Balochistan Movement. Finally, the speakers of the Free Balochistan Movement said that we appeal to all human rights organizations including the United Nations to break their silence on the atrocities on the Baloch on both sides of the Gold Summit Line and take action against the occupiers and war crimes.

Sanctions should be imposed on the two imperialist forces on the basis of, if this continuation of silence continues and the occupying forces are not held accountable for the ongoing persecution in Balochistan, then there is a fear of a humanitarian crisis in the region, which is very alarming. . While the speakers present in the demonstration, Mohammad Bakhsh Raji, Bebagar Baloch, Banok Sama Baloch, Naveed Baloch, Bhazad Karimzadi, Amir Arslan Arbabi spoke.