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Free Balochistan Movement (FBM) is a political party with the primary aim to struggle against Pakistani and Iranian colonialism and to regain the independence and national sovereignty of the Baloch nation. It shall welcome all individuals who belong to Balochistan and accept and honour the Party’s aims and objectives

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(BR) Free Balochistan Movement organized a protest demonstration in Bonn, Germany on International Human Rights Day. The protest was held in front of the headquarters of the famous German media organization Deutsche Welle.

The demonstration started at 1:30 PM and continued till 4:30 PM. The protestors carried various banners and placards with various slogans regarding human rights.

Waja Muhammad Bakhsh Raji Baloch, Abu Bakr Baloch, Naveed Baloch, Hanif Baloch, Abdul Wajid Baloch, Mahgonag Baloch, Mahmood Haqparast, Khudadad Baloch , Mumtaz Baloch , Muhammad Faris and BeeBagar Baloch addressed the protestors.

The protesters highlighted the ongoing atrocities and human rights violations in Balochistan in different periods since the Pakistani and Iranian occupation. The speakers said that Pakistan and Iran first started violating the human rights of the Baloch people by occupying their land and ending their freedom, which continues till today with the same intensity because after the Baloch lost their freedom, they started a struggle to recapture which both states are using force to suppress.

The speakers further said that the occupiers prove from their history that when nations stand against the occupation, such atrocities are not uncommon, but it is surprising that human rights and media organizations are not aware of all this. They are silent spectators of the situation and are unable to fulfill their responsibilities. A humanitarian crisis is emerging in Balochistan because Balochistan is not only suffering from human rights violations, but there is a genocide going on there, which is not only necessary to stop, but it is one of the basic responsibilities of the institutions that From now on, these institutions have been independent.

The speakers further said that the United Nations has defined human rights in its charter where human freedom has the first priority but this first priority has been abolished in Balochistan. In free societies, freedom of expression, freedom of choice, freedom of employment and other things gain importance and big reactions are seen on them, but in Balochistan, the importance of ending human life, making them victims of enforced disappearance And they are unable to get the place they should get. The Charter of the United Nations and other laws of the world come within the boundaries of Balochistan and Baloch land, and remain only words on paper and are not implemented, which is an alarming situation, which only encourages our occupiers to commit more atrocities on us. and if this role continues like this, these institutions will be included in the list of criminals in history.