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Free Balochistan Movement (FBM) is a political party with the primary aim to struggle against Pakistani and Iranian colonialism and to regain the independence and national sovereignty of the Baloch nation. It shall welcome all individuals who belong to Balochistan and accept and honour the Party’s aims and objectives

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 Free Balochistan Movement Plans Protest Outside Chinese Embassy in New York

New York, 26 August – Free Balochistan Movement is set to organize a protest outside the Chinese Embassy in New York, USA, on 27 August. This demonstration is part of FBM’s ongoing vigils and protests, aiming to shine a light on the severe human rights violations in occupied Balochistan and underscore the joint roles of China, Iran, and Pakistan in occupied Balochistan. The protest is scheduled to commence at 12:00 PM and will conclude at 6:00 PM.

This series of vigils was unveiled by the president and leader of the Free Balochistan Movement, Hyrbyair Marri, in a statement addressing the troika’s alleged discussions on counter-terrorism and regional security.

In his statement, Mr. Marri stated that the trilateral talks among these nations don’t genuinely pertain to regional security or counter-terrorism. Instead, the focus is mainly on Balochistan, with intentions to intimidate Baloch people. “We view this convergence of the ‘axis of evil’ as a direct threat to the Baloch nation and Balochistan’s future,” he commented. He further described how China, driven by its communist and imperialist aspirations, has teamed up with the two pseudo-Islamic republics occupying the Eastern and Western regions of Balochistan to promote its Belt and Road initiatives.

The US marks the fifth country where FBM is holding protests and vigils, to raise awareness in Western nations regarding the troika’s covert activities in occupied Balochistan. This encompasses their acts of genocide against the Baloch, instilling fear within the cBaloch nation, and China’s development of submarine channels and naval bases in occupied Balochistan, assisted by Pakistan, with strategic military intentions.

Free Balochistan Movement has previously organized round-the-clock vigils in London, Berlin, and The Hague. Additionally, they held protests in Canada and Finland. This series began in Finland on 12th August, followed by 24-hour vigils in The Hague, Netherlands on 16th to 17th and London from 17th to 18th August, in Berlin, Germany from 18th to 19th August, and in Vancouver, Canada on 21th August.