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Free Balochistan Movement (FBM) is a political party with the primary aim to struggle against Pakistani and Iranian colonialism and to regain the independence and national sovereignty of the Baloch nation. It shall welcome all individuals who belong to Balochistan and accept and honour the Party’s aims and objectives

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 Free Balochistan Movement has begun a round-the-clock sit-in protest at the Chinese embassy London

London, 17 August– Free Balochistan Movement organized a protest outside the Chinese Embassy in London, United Kingdom. This demonstration is part of FBM’s ongoing vigil, aiming to highlight the severe human rights abuses in Balochistan and emphasize the collaborative roles of China, Iran, and Pakistan in the occupied region.

Starting at 2:00 PM outside the Chinese embassy, FBM activists loudly voiced their opposition against the troika, and China’s cooperation with Pakistan and Iran against the Baloch people. Waving Balochistan flags and displaying banners, activists commenced the vigil, which is set to continue overnight in front of the embassy until tomorrow afternoon, will follow by a protest before wrapping up the vigil.

This series of vigils was announced by the president and leader of the Free Balochistan Movement, Hyrbyair Marri, in a statement condemning the troika’s meeting on a so called consultation on counter-terrorism and regional security.

In his statement, Mr. Marri expressed that the trilateral meeting among these entities has no real ties to regional security or counter-terrorism. Instead, its focus is predominantly on Balochistan, as these nations conspire on ways to intimidate the Baloch people, suppressing and exploiting them further. “We perceive this assembly of the ‘axis of evil’ as a direct menace to the Baloch nation and the future of Balochistan,” he remarked. He continued, describing how China, with its communist and imperialist tendencies, has allied with the two occupying pseudo-Islamic republics of Eastern and Western Balochistan to further its Belt and Road initiatives.

It is noteworthy that the Free Balochistan Movement previously organized two distinct week-long sit-in vigils outside the Chinese embassy in London back in 2016. These demonstrations were designed to underscore the combined efforts of China and Pakistan in displacing the Baloch from the CPEC route and Gwadar, and to shed light on their attempts to bring about a demographic change in Balochistan.