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Free Balochistan Movement (FBM) is a political party with the primary aim to struggle against Pakistani and Iranian colonialism and to regain the independence and national sovereignty of the Baloch nation. It shall welcome all individuals who belong to Balochistan and accept and honour the Party’s aims and objectives

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 FBM Concludes Its Effort for An Alliance Among Baloch Pro-freedom Political Parties

QUETTA: The spokesperson for the Free Balochistan Movement (FBM) announced today the termination of its unilateral efforts to negotiate unity among pro-freedom Baloch political parties. This decision aligns with a principled decision to dissolve the FBM Committee for Unity within fifteen days.

The statement emphasised that successful collaboration requires enthusiasm from all parties involved, but over the past two years and ten months, other pro-freedom political parties have shown a lack of seriousness and commitment. Despite periodic communications, there has been no genuine indication of eagerness for this important national political process.

The spokesperson stated, “We wish to present all details of these communications along with dates to the Baloch people to prevent any misrepresentation of the truth.”

Below is a summary of the chronological communications conducted by the FBM’s Committee, as mandated by the party’s cabinet, regarding efforts for unity.

In October 2021, following a cabinet decision, a four-member committee led by Shabeer Baloch was formed to negotiate with pro-freedom Baloch political parties. On November 3, Shabeer Baloch contacted Khalil Baloch, then head of the Baloch National Movement (BNM), and received a positive response indicating that entra-party consultations would take place.

On November 5, committee member Mr Sadiq Raisani contacted Sher Mohammad Bugti, spokesperson for the Baloch Republican Party (BRP), to convey the message about unity efforts. Again, a positive response was received, with the promise of further discussions. On December 17, Sadiq Raisani reached out to Bugti for an update, but Bugti requested more time.

On January 26, 2022, Raisani followed up with Bugti, who indicated that he would soon meet with FBM committee members to discuss his party’s position. However, there was still no response from the BNM.

On February 22, Shabeer Baloch contacted Khalil Baloch for details on the proposed alliance. On February 28, Mr Raisani again reached out to Bugti, who promised a meeting with the FBM committee. On March 19, Bugti invited FBM committee members to Newcastle for their first face-to-face discussion, during which Mr Bugti raised several concerns about past behaviours and how to avoid any future misunderstandings. The FBM committee emphasised that resolving these issues required a formal and principled alliance among pro-freedom political parties where all stakeholders would sit, discuss and resolve all outstanding issues and overcome new challenges together.

The spokesperson added that the discussions continued, and another meeting between BRP and FBM Committee members took place in London, where they agreed to jointly protest against enforced disappearances and human rights violations. However, this cooperation was contingent upon Baloch Martyrs Day (November 13) and the day of occupation (March 27), with BRP pledging to provide feedback after internal consultations.

During this period, the BNM held a council session and elected Dr. Naseem Baloch as its new chairman. On June 6, Sadiq Raisani reached out to Dr. Naseem, who promised to respond soon. After a delay, Shabeer Baloch contacted him again on June 26. Dr. Naseem indicated that it was essential to create an environment where FBM members refrained from criticising the BNM in public. The FBM committee assured him that members would be advised to avoid criticism to foster a productive unity process.

Amid ongoing delays, on July 19, Dr. Naseem promised to consult with his central committee and get back to the FBM, but once again, this commitment was not fulfilled. On August 21, Dr. Naseem informed Shabeer Baloch that the matter had been presented to the BNM cabinet and allies for further discussion.

As silence from the BNM continued, Shabeer Baloch reached out again on January 6, 2023, where he learned that the BNM was ready to proceed with the alliance process, and a committee had been formed to prepare a draft. However, they requested additional time.

On April 24, the BNM provided a draft in Balochi, English, and Urdu, along with a public statement regarding the alliance. However, the FBM’s continuous efforts since 2021 were disregarded, implying this was the first time an alliance process had been initiated.

In response, the FBM sent a detailed reply to the BNM’s draft on October 10, hoping that the previous delays would be resolved and that they could move toward a formal working relationship. A request for a response within thirty to forty days was also made to avoid further delays, but the same indifference continued.

Consequently, the FBM’s central cabinet decided that the allied process had dragged on significantly without any serious interest from either party. They resolved to withdraw from the ongoing efforts but agreed to make one last attempt to advance the process. A letter was sent to the BNM in May 2024, requesting a response within ten days, but once again, no reply was received.

Given this situation, the FBM sees no hope for a serious commitment from the parties involved regarding the alliance initiated in 2021. Therefore, the Free Balochistan Movement is sharing this information with the Baloch nation to keep them informed about its efforts toward a unified alliance among pro-freedom Baloch political parties.